Hi, I'm Lisha - a full-time working mother of two who thinks that one 8.30-5.30 job is not enough so i have another business on the side. this one.
I have a penchant for typography and colours and anything beautiful and crafty. If there's anything else I am obsessed about, other than talking about my kids, are fonts. I'm practically a font hoarder, if there's such a thing.
I have left design since I graduated in Graphic Design from UiTM but still harbour the passion to do creative things using my computer. Until 2008, after I have given birth to my daughter, I went browsing for Birth Announcement posters on the internet and thought .. "Hey! I can do this myself!". So I did one for my daughter Arwen. And then I did few more. Family and friends started asking me to design for them and they even wanted to pay for it ... and that's how Show The Love began.
With Show The Love, I design personalized posters, particularly baby's birth announcement posters. I can also do a whole list of other design services including DIY party printables. All designs I make are exclusive and customized, no two are alike (unless requested by the customer).
Interested? email me at madebylisha@yahoo.com or for the costing and details. can't wait to start designing for you guys!
although right now, most of my work are for baby birth poster but i am looking to diversify into other design offerings. my range of personalized and customized design services include but not limited to:
DESIGN/PRINT/FRAME 1. baby birth announcement 2. anniversary/wedding posters 3. happy birthday posters 4. alphabet/numbers/alif-ba-ta posters 5. decorative graphic or typographic posters 6. nursery rhymes / favourite or motivational quote posters 7. "i love you" posters 8. personalized bookplates (book labels)
DIY EVENT PRINTABLES (i design, you print) Customized themed designs for parties, events, showers, cukur jambul, engagement, wedding and the likes : 1. e-vites, event posters, save-the-dates, wedding invites, thank you cards, stickers or stationery 2. DIY printable party packs : i'm open to any items and ideas (at least month in advance) 5. DIY personalized bookplates (book labels) with name, pics or just typography
1. BROWSE FOR PRICE Take a thorough look at my price list, and decide on what kind of size and printing and/or frames you want and whether you want me to deliver by hand or PosLaju.
2. SAY HI TO ME Send me an email at madebylisha@yahoo.com and say hi to me. This will be the beginning of a beautiful creationship!
3. SEND ME THE DETAILS While you're at it, email me the pictures or details you want to have in your poster.
For baby birth announcement posters, I have given a handy set of questions that you can fill to make life easier for you. you can follow them .... or not.
for other kinds of poster or party stuff, etc, just brief me whatever you want me to design.
4. DEPOSIT YOUR DEPOSIT I only accept serious customers. you'll have to pay me 50% in advance before i start on the project. if you need frames, you have to pay me the full amount as per the frame cost, along with the 50% design & print cost.
Payments can be made to my MBB account number 164016951574 (Ellisha Johanabas Rosli). Please notify me when payments are made. I now accept payments from all major credit cards via PayPal too.
*for Out-Of-Malaysia customers or for those using PayPal, i will email / invoice with full payment for you to make before commencing design.
5. DESIGN TAKES TIME Wait for me to come up with the designs. usually i'll come up with a minimum of two designs for you to chose from. if im in a good mood, i can come up with FIVE!
mind you, this is not a full-time gig. i have a day job in advertising that sucks balls which sometimes can drag on to the next day. so, i can only do this once i'm at home and only after i've put my diva kecik to bed. so it'll take at least a day or two (or a week) before you get something from me, depending on my order book.
6. YOU LOVE IT, GOOD. YOU DON'T, WE TRY SOME MORE I'll email you the designs and you'll give comments and i'll make changes and email you back and this will go on to and fro like a ping pong ball until we reached a satisfactory final decision.
Changes on any design can be made up to 3 times only. Beyond that, any changes, big or small will be charged.
7. GREEN LIGHT, GO Once you've given me the green light go, i'll proceed to the printing and/or framing.
8. DELIVER THE LOVE And after that, we'll arrange for delivery or collection - whatever works. the Hi-res Final Artwork (FA) in PDF and Jpeg will only be given upon request.
9. FINALLY... You pay me the rest, yay!
and then you'll blog about it and i'll blog about it and we all live happily ever after.
if you have any more posters to make with me, then it's lather rinse and repeat.
Thank you for reading through my really long how-to. Hope it was sufficiently informative and that I didn't bore you with it. Hope to hear from you soon!
a lil t&c
Changes on any design can be made up to 3 times only. Beyond that, any changes, big or small will be charged.
Should, at any circumstances, you decide to pull out after I have given the first draft, I will return back 30% of the deposit you have made. After second draft or beyond, no return of deposit.
What you see isn't always what you'll be getting. it all comes down to the printer. sometimes colors on the printed version don't pop as they do on the digital one. please don't reprimand me for such technical fault that i can't avoid. if details were lost or typos i overlooked, or something, that i noticed before i deliver them to you, i'll reprint them at my own cost. but once the posters are in your hands, i'm sorry, no refunds.
And speaking of no refunds, although i do provide poslaju courier services to deliver the poster, it's at customer's risk. if there's a crease, or dent, or folds or any sort of unsatisfactory quality, i can't refund.
customer mintak tolong i print a few stuff, except for the invite and water bottle labels. just print, dia die-cut sendiri. it was surprisingly fun doing!
the customer tak mintak u print ke? anyway, nice!
baru perasan ur comment, boleh? sorry.
customer mintak tolong i print a few stuff, except for the invite and water bottle labels. just print, dia die-cut sendiri. it was surprisingly fun doing!
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