Tuesday, July 28, 2009

personalized baby birth poster

some people who've been following me in my blog might remember this one i made for arwen :

to be honest, i was kinda expecting some of my readers to inquire if i could do something like it for yourself. so yesterday, i got a call from ayis' (my husband) cousin farahani to design one for her friend's newborn that she plans to give it as a birthday gift. i love being commissioned to take on creative projects like this. even it's as simple as making thank you tags. so a couple of hours and a few dozen SMSes regarding the details of the birth later (and i had to do the background check on the meaning behind the name and search for a lovely quote for the baby myself because i am resourceful like that), i came up with this:

in between trying out which fonts suit best for this poster, i had this epiphany. now, i dont usually get that many 'epiphaneous' moments but when it comes, it's like 'fucking hell, why didn't i thought of that sooner!' so anyway, once i overcame that glorious moment of self-discovery, i extended my train of thoughts ... i should be making money doing this. because The Joker once said, "if you're good at something, never do it for free", but of course, the epiphany came a little too late because i did it for free, and furthermore, it's for family, of course it's for free.

that's where i got this idea to start this personalized baby birth poster design thing to a more professional level. considering there are many of my readers who are new mommies themselves, i figured ... this is the best place to throw in this business idea.

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*here's how it looks like when it's framed and hung above arwen's baby cot.

i think these personalized poster makes a great keepsake for new parents to give to their child, recollecting the moment of birth. it can be framed and adorn a nursery or kid's room. or, become a preamble in baby's photo album. it's also a great more heartfelt gift for friends or families to give to new parents for their newborn. because hampers, diaper cakes, toys and play mats are boring. and besides, the baby will grow out of them faster than you can spell boring. these posters though, last a lifetime (providing it's quality printing). and, as the product description says, it's PERSONALIZED. meaning, it's custom made. there's no two alike.

and not just a play typography and colours, you can opt to add in a photo of your child too. your can pick your own preferred colour combination, even if it's dare i say it, PINK. or keep it classic and simple in black and white, or you can have faith and leave it to my creativity. and i can have them printed and/or framed for you, or i can just email the artwork so you can do it yourself. i can make it a standard size a4 or a3, or if you already have a frame lying around somewhere (like a wedding gift that has not found its use or something), you can provide me with the required size so i can custom-size it. i can even design it as a tag for birthday party or cukur jambul favours. whatever. the requirements are as personalized as the posters are. i'm really flexible. and i mean that in a non-sexual way.

it's not too late, even if your child is already in college because it would make a great birthday gift. interested? email me at madebylisha[at]yahoo.com for the costing and details. i can't exactly give you a standard price because it all depends on how you want it. can't wait to start designing some for you guys!

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